
Wednesday 8 February 2012

Virgin Media's 4th Quarter Results for 2011: 435,000 TiVo Customers

The invasion continues
Virgin Media's 4th Quarter Results for 2011 are in, and they are decent results too, with the cable company finally making a profit. As for TiVo, another 273,000 customers added the PVR to their package, which means that in total, 435,000 customers (12% of Virgin's TV Customer base) have obtained TiVo (not that they've had any choice since late September's 'retirement' of the legacy V+ HD PVR).

The PDF document is an interesting read, revealing that:
  • There's been a 19% increase in proportion of Sky customers taking Virgin TV
  • 40% of those said they wanted TiVo
  • Over half of TiVo customers recommend to friends/family
  • TiVo customers rate product 19% higher than comparable TV customers (NPS survey)
  • Attracting Sky switchers – 55% of TiVo new adds were from Sky
  • Search function valued – 1m searches in November
  • 2.4m app sessions in November, at 21 minutes a time
  • Longer term users prefer “My Shows” to the TV guide
  • Unlocks and enables a strong desire to personalise the TV experience
  • 8m “Thumbs Up/Down” rating content in November 
  • A TiVo box costs Virgin Media around £100. 
  • 66% of TiVo customers are on Virgin's XL TV package.
Meanwhile, TiVo also played a key role in pushing Virgin over the 1 billion mark for VOD Views in 2011. 

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