
Thursday 9 February 2012

Virgin Media deny TiVo Service fee increase after TV contract expires for existing customers

Earlier today, I was reading through the transcript of the conference call which followed the release of the latest financial results for Virgin Media, and I came across this quote from Virgin's Chief Executive, Neil Berkett:
You'll have seen that we've increased prices to existing customers by 5% in April. We've also made the move to increase the price of TiVo for all new TiVo subscribers from GBP 3 to GBP 5, which takes place immediately. And in 12 months time, as current TiVo customers roll off their first 12-month contract, they will migrate from GBP 3 to GBP 5
I can't say I was chuffed to read that, along with other customers. All of a sudden, YouView was looking more tempting as an alternative.

Virgin have now clarified this information on their Help and Support Forums:
Hi I've spoken to the TiVo team about this and they've asked me to pass on the following about this.

Whilst we reserve the right to review and change our prices to ensure we are able to continue to deliver leading products and services, we can confirm that customers that already have TiVo, or take TiVo before 28th February, will stay at £3 per month per box, and will not see an increase at the end of their 12m contract; only customers adding a new TiVo box from 28th February will pay £5 per month per box.We're sorry for any confusion.
Customers like myself you got TiVoed for £3 per month per customer account should also not see any increase in the TiVo Service fee when their contracts expire (thanks to Digital Fanatic at Cable Forum).


  1. If they did bump it up to £5 for existing customers, it wouldn't be too bad a pill to swallow if they at least, released this damned iPad app.

  2. What nonsense from VM. Nobody has a contract tat 'expires' after 12 months. The contract is open ended - just read it if you don't believe me.

    It is the minimum term lock-down that ends after 12 months, nothing else.

    Just stop paying your TiVo service after 12 months, and try arguing you only had a 12 month contract from them. It's sloppy and misrepresents the true commitment required by a consumer.

  3. wm tivo is reasonable priced as the Americas Tivo Monthly fee is $19
