
Monday 28 November 2011

Spotify App is live for Virgin Media's TiVo

Virgin said that the Spotify App would be deployed on the 29th of this month. They lied. Its actually gone live now and you can find via Home >>> Apps >>> Music.


  1. "This'lll be good", I thought, and headed over to apps to enter my credentials. "Enter your Spotify username and password", it says. I carefully keyed in one character after another, using the mobile phone-style technique on my remote, until... I came to the first non-alphanumeric character in my password.

    Ah well, these things are sent to try us.

    And then I read, on a completely unrelated thread, that you can now plug an everyday USB keyboard into the back of your TiVo! Another seemingly pointless feature which turns out to be a real lifesaver...

  2. It's just crashed my TiVo box after I managed to log in!

  3. Maybe it's just me but I could not find any Search option in the application so I am unable to correctly access the millions of tracks that we should all be able to enjoy...
