
Monday 24 October 2011

Gadget Show PVR Showdown: Virgin Media's TiVo vs Sky +HD

In brief: Sky +HD has the better, faster user interface, with TiVo's described as clunky, slow and at times, irritating. Sky also won the remote battle.

TiVo won on the features, especially with recording and VOD.

Both PVRs were awarded with four stars out of five.

View the video review here.


  1. definately agree on the speed through the menu``s etc. As much as I like TiVo, it is painfully slow at area where improvement is most definately needed.

  2. I dont think it went in to the features of Tivo enough for me, some things that really make it stand out. but i agree Sky is slicker to use at the moment, going through the menus - something VM need to improve.

    I was a bit worried what the guy was going to watch when he went downstairs in his dressing gown at midnight saying this is where TiVo comes in to its fears were then realised....big brother, neighbours and home & away!

  3. notice though the big letdown was the list showing vm have got sky antime and vod spoprts and movies and wasnt even mentioned or the killer function that all 3 tuners are active -which allows any programme to be accessed and rewound back to beginning even whilsy still recording
