
Saturday 23 July 2011

Serious data issue with recent EPG download for Virgin Media's TiVo; No series link recordings currently scheduled

Have you gone on strike then!?!?
According to threads on Virgin's Help and Support Forum (here and here), there's currently a serious issue with a recent EPG data download for the TiVo boxes which has resulted in all series link recordings in the My Planned Recordings screen showing up as 'None Scheduled'.

Meanwhile, the Recording Hiccups screen shows that series link recordings won't currently be recorded because the programme to be recorded is 'no longer in the programme guide'.

Manually forcing a EPG download currently has no effect, at least, not on my box. Not surprisingly, Virgin has raised this with the TiVo team as a DEFCON 1 high priority fault which is being investigated. More on this story to follow.


  1. There is another problem that keep recurring. When you try to search for a Filmflex film - Every few seconds Graphics show that there is a fault with ON DEMAND. Sometimes a voice over.
    Contacted VM, even they admitted they hadn't seen these graphics before.... I got a £5 to buy a couple of films, because when I watched TRUE GRIT, and paused, the FAULT Voice over came back

  2. Reason number 3 why I don't have one (after red button and reminders) is that's it's still only version 1.
    But, by all means, you guys pay NTL the extra 3 quid a month to fix it, the V+ keeps on ticking here !
