
Friday 22 April 2011

Planned updates for Virgin Media's TiVo revealed: Reminders; Multi room streaming; TiVo download for V HD boxes; Red button & more

A post by °Keir° on the TiVo Community Forum has revealed what updates TiVo's development team have  planned for Virgin Media's TiVo:
Q. Parental control options on You Tube?
A. Looking at this option but could be next year. Last resort we have the ability to take off You Tube from an individual box.

Q. Will we have the ability to create files within files.
A. The team have been looking at the ability to create file for Mum, Dad, Jane etc. The idea to set play lists of shows you have recorded is also in the pipe line. The team love the idea but may be very difficult to build on the network. I will feedback more info as I get it.

Q. How do I get hold of a silver remote?
A. You cant, this was a limited edition remote which was given to selected customers.

Q. Will we have to option to set reminders.
A. The main idea of TiVo is the ability to record multiple shows with the massive hard drive the use of a reminder function seem unnecessary. Due to massive feedback about this function the TiVo team admit this was unexpected feedback and are now looking to give TiVo users the ability to set reminders. I will keep you posted when this is available.

Q. Will the info button work on the mini guide?
A. Yes, The phase 2 update (Q3) will see this function activated.

Q.When will we be able to transfer content to a computer?
A. This will not happen to contracts and copy right laws we have with our content providers.

Q. Will the ipad / iphone be able to be used as a remote control for TiVo.
A. Yes. This looks very cool, I was shown a video with someone using their iPad as a remote control, skipping through the guide and info pages while the TV was still showing full screen programme.

When using the Mini guide the ability to press 'info' to obtain show information - End of Q2 2011
Text style typing to search for content - End of Q2 2011
When going back in time on the channel guide the channel names will display on the right of the screen - End of Q2 2011

Due to a change in contract with Sky, previously blacked out Sky channels while viewing the guide will now be shown - 2011
Price of VOD movies will show as soon as the movie is highlighted rather than having to go through 5 screens before this info is shown - 2011
When viewing Sky movies TiVo customers will only be asked for PIN when needed and not on every movie. - 2011

Multi room streaming will give customer the ability to watch recorded programmes from one box TiVo box to another. - 2011/2012
VHD boxes will be turned into TiVo style boxes with no hard drives. Anyone who has the VHD box will have the TiVo display and functions. Cost may be involved. 2011/2012

Red button functions will be more app orientated. By the time the 2012 Olympics start we hope to gave users an option of 24 different events VIA the 'BBCi app' - 2012
Multi files for Mum, Dad, Gran etc so only shows enjoyed by a certain family member will appear in these personal files.
Sky sports red button will not be available on TiVo until late 2011 early 2012 however will be available next month on V+ and V boxes.

Finally just a little info on the 'Baby TiVo' box that we are launching next month.

The box should be available to buy as early as the end of May.

The box will have half the recording time but apart from that the box looks and works the same as its big brother.

The price will be £49.95 for activation and £40 for install. £3 extra per month for the service.

The main difference is the ability to have this box on M+ and LTV as well as XLTV. The TiVo cost will be £8 per month on M+ and LTV packages.

Feel free to talk about this box as well as the 1 terabyte box available now.
The absence of reminders from Virgin's next-generation PVR has been a issue of some debate, both on this blog and over at Cable Forum, so the addition of that functionality, commonly found on the vast majority of PVRs, is good news for those who desire it.

The planned update to give V HD boxes TiVo functionality (minus the recording features of course) would be consistent with Virgin's plans to migrate their entire TV customer base over to TiVo, and opens the door for an established TiVo multi-room streaming base on Digital Cable, once that functionality is released.


  1. Great thread - Thanks

    What about the Twitter Alphabet drop down? or at least Upper and lower case availability

  2. What about suggestions always recording in HD if available?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The planned updates are great but one I don't see a mention of is one I think in essential. When I look at the TV Guide and I see that, say the snooker is about to start in about an hour. The guide shows the start time being somewhere between 20:00 and 20:30, nowhare can I see when it actually starts, is it 20:10, 20:15, 20:12. The exact start time is not listed and as you can't see info from the guide you can't use that to find the exact start time, you've got to guess where you think the start time is on the guide.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. This original post on the tiVo forum has been removed by the person who posted it! Wonder why?

  8. I really want the reminders back. I saw they weren't there in the guide after ordering a Tivo and it made me have serious doubts about whether to get it or not. I use the reminders loads on V+ HD, often setting the channels to automatically change over for an evening. Having all the stuff recorded is great but the reminders were perfect for live events etc. I really hope they are implemented very soon.

  9. I too when I had the V+HD used to set reminders all the time, but since I decided to upgrade to Tivo only Thursday last week I am so disappointed with this not being on Tivo that I told virgin media to remove Tivo and bring back my V+hd box. Also the V+HD box cost me nothing extra neither installation or monthly fee. I know that £3 per month is nothing (matchstick money) but it all counts perticully in these times.
    when evevrything is going up.


  10. I would really like to be able to differentiate between series. It's great that it remembers what you like for the next/new series but I DO NOT want a ton of old re-runs of series from various channels being recorded constantly which I have to trawl through to get to the most current series!

    Also the inputting of text to search is almost painful. If it was set up so the remote control could be used more like text messaging it'd speed it up no end.

    Finally there should be more options for sorting your recorded programmes, as per the V+ HD box where you could sort by date or A-Z

  11. When I ordered Tivo I thought Virgin had trumped Sky's 'Never Miss' but they really haven't. It doesn't recognise many of the programmes I typed in and even series that are on now it states there is nothing currently showing.

    Great concept - if they'd retained the best V+ features and had a better catalogue recognition of series - but SERIOUSLY disappointed. Seriously considering asking Virgin to take it back

  12. I should damn well hope so they're planning to add the reminder feature. I got Tivo last week. I was actually quite appalled that they did away with the reminder feature and the automatic switch channel feature to a program when it starts. Especially asd even the bog standard Virgin boxes have this.

    I don't want to have to record every single program. Sometimes I want to watch something when it's on and would like a reminder to to change channel when it comes on if I'm watching some time filling guff else and forget to switch.

  13. Reminders! Reminders! Reminders! Reminders! Reminders! Reminders! Reminders! Reminders! Reminders! Reminders! Reminders! Reminders!!!!
    Yes I know it records?! Wow?!?!
    Scenario... "I'll watch a little bit of News24 until Dr Who comes on in 10mins... I know... I'll set a reminder!" - Simple!! Every STB in the world has this!! Duh.
    Reminders that... change to the correct channel at the correct time.... ya know, like that cheap digi freeView box I got free in my CornFlakes! As a programmer/developer myself... I do have to bang my head sometimes.

  14. Need reminders .. Also its very annoying how you have to go to 5 different screens to delete a recording or cancel a scheduled recording.. Searching the content on Youtube can be made better by using the number buttons on the remote for entering text rather than the arrow keys
