
Monday 7 March 2011

Virgin Media to allow pre-registered customers to order TiVo online

Virgin Media Staff member and Cable Forum poster Digital Fanatic has posted updates here and here on how Virgin plan to contact customers who pre-registered for TiVo:
I've been told that pre regs will recieve a special email with ordering details, you will then order online before any other customers.

Once all pre regs have install dates, then it will be opened up to other customers and then new customers after that.

You should get your email towards the end of the month....It's going to be quicker than calling everyone and you should have an install in April.


  1. I am gutted I was at a gig last week and missed a call from virgin and have now read they were calling people to offer them tivo for free as they were picked off the pre reg list :( going to call them tomorrow to find out

  2. called -01612825044 after three tries throughout the day then got through and passed to a member of the Tivo team. They verified I had registered and what services I already had and then took my details for the £149 activation fee and sorted me an install out in 2 days Great Service

  3. I pre-registered months ago but didn't even get an email - pretty laughable customer service!

  4. i also pre registered and never got an email or call nothing and ive been a customer for years

    they can poke it now
