
Tuesday 8 February 2011

Virgin Media announce another TiVo Lottery: Will you be one of the lucky one thousand?

Virgin Media staff member James Skelton posted the following message on Virgin's Sofa Forum:
Thanks for your interest in our TiVo powered service. We've had an amazing response since we launched this product.

You may have heard that some lucky Virgin Media customers have been sent a TiVo remote control alongside a special offer. These people were randomly selected from a group of our longest serving customers. But don't worry if you weren't one of the recipients of this offer - we've got something else up our sleeve. We'll soon be offering all our VIP 50, VIP 20 and XL TV customers (who also have Virgin Media Broadband and Phone) the chance to become one of 1000 lucky customers to win a special TiVo deal and we're continuing to prioritise our existing customers to make sure they are the first people in the country to get a hold of this fantastic new service.

We'll also be doing something special for our non XL TV customers that have registered their interest online at We've been busy collating all of their details and will be in touch very soon to let them know when they will be able to get the service. We'll be making sure that they get a chance to get their hands on TiVo in a pre-sale window, before we make this available to the general public. But more about that soon.

We know that people are excited about getting our new TV service, and we're working hard to make sure our customers find out about the great deals that will be available and get installed as quickly as possible.
Meanwhile, a post over at Cable Forum indicates that so far, Virgin have received 25,000 pre-registrations for the next generation PVR.

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