
Wednesday 26 January 2011

Accessibility improvements for Virgin Media's TiVo; BBC iPlayer app lives on TiVo? (and brings subtitles with it)

Virgin Media's PDF document explaining how they've improved accessibility for their TV service is online, and also included details of TiVo's accessibility features.
The new TiVo service gives you the same basic accessibility features that are on our standard TV service, like Audio Description and subtitles. The difference is that, on our TiVo service, these features are now much easier to find and use. You can find them in the main Settings menu, as well as through new areas, like the Info Banner. There’s even a dedicated Subtitles button on the remote control.

Over time, we’re hoping to carry on developing our new TiVo service, to make it even more accessible.
The last page of the document is interesting - if its to be believed, then contrary to a previous reports (and blog post), the BBC iPlayer app lives on TiVo! And so does subtitles on said iPlayer app:
Since we launched our TV On Demand service, we’ve been aware that the lack of access services has been a source of frustration to the many customers who rely on subtitles or audio description. The problem is that, while on demand programmes look and feel like ordinary TV shows, the technology behind them is very different. This means that providing access services is very complicated – not just for us, but for on demand services from all providers.
That’s why we’re delighted to announce that the first version of our new TiVo product can deliver subtitles on BBC iPlayer.


  1. The BBC never said people couldn't get iPlayer just that if they did they had to take it as is, not modified for a platform, nor could a platform pick and choose the shows it took

  2. But PaidContent:UK said that the BBC's decision *could* affect the development of iPlayer on TiVo.

  3. The Tivo box has a a web browser and Flash. All they need to do is make an app that points at the existing 'bigscreen' iPlayer version, just like my Wii does.
