
Thursday 2 December 2010

Welcome! And get ready to be Tivoed by Virgin!

Welcome to the Virgin Media Tivo Blog, the unofficial blog for all things related to Virgin's new TiVo box.

What's so special about it and what it can do for your television viewing experience? I'll let Virgin themselves answer that one via this YouTube Video:

Interested? Then you better let Virgin know!

Ahhh, but what about the price you say? Well, according to Virgin the Standard price for the Tivo box is £199, plus an installation fee of £40. Then there's a monthly charge of £3, on top of your TV XL package. That's right folks, you need to be on the TV XL pack in order to get Tivoed.

So that's:

£239 up front for the box + installation


£26.50 for XL + Tivo monthly charge when you take a Virgin landline phone


£32.50 for TV XL + Tivo monthly charge when not taking a Virgin landline phone.

Virgin's press release for Tivo can be located here:

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